Last spring I stumbled across Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland with beautiful illustrations by Anna Bond, and instantly fell in love with her style. The illustrations have color and whimsy and character all wrapped up in an eye-catching composition.
So imagine my amazement while fabric shopping in Denver at Fancy Tiger Crafts when I found these fantastic illustrations in fabric form! You can see all of Anna Bond’s fabric collections on her website, Rifle Paper Co., Cotton + Steel Fabric. Of course I had to buy some, and I even asked one of the salespeople to point out all the bolts to make sure I didn’t miss any. These are the four patterns I picked:
She also showed me some canvas with Anna’s illustrations that were equally beautiful.
And as fellow fabric lovers know, I don’t have a project planned for what I bought, but I’m sure something will come to me soon. 🙂 And in the meantime, as I told the woman who cut the fabric, I can have happy thoughts about how it’s in my stash!
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