To adhere the collage pieces to the card, I like to use large glue sticks and red line tape. (refer to past posts to read about my techniques in more detail.)
To start these cards, I like to find a colorful vintage book or postcard illustration to use as the basis for a color palette. Then I find coordinating handmade paper scraps to loosely frame the illustration. Handmade paper has such beautiful texture from all the added ingredients of flowers and seeds, threads, and confetti. If you don’t make your own handmade paper, it is available at many craft stores and specialty stationery stores.
Then for the final layer, I add the wording and dimensional embellishments. I like printing several phrases spaced apart evenly on a single piece of printable vellum paper on my inkjet printer. Then “tear” them apart into smaller rectangles using a metal ruler as a straight edge. A great way to attach these rectangles is with a stapler and colorful staples.
I love how these have a beautiful pastel springtime palette and feminine feel. A set of four would make a great hostess gift or one with a hand written note would be a cheerful surprise in a friend’s mailbox!
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