Personalizing Journals – A Crafty Butterfly Theme

If you’re like me, you have a stash of scrapbooking and crafty materials collected from various shopping trips to craft stores and flea markets. This journal is an example of how I like to cover existing hardback paper journals using some of these embellishments. You can find hardback journals that look like a book as this one, or are spiral bound. Either type work great, as long as the cover is thick enough that it doesn’t bend. I also look at the inner pages to check the quality, and I like ones with thicker paper that may have…

Mother’s Day Quilted Wall Hanging

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms! While celebrating with my mom this year, I remembered a gift I had given to her a couple years ago – a small quilted wall hanging that hangs in her bedroom. It celebrates her gift of love to me, and my appreciation for all that she has taught me. The design sprang from using triangle scraps from another project. I couldn’t let myself throw out these beautiful batik and cream triangles all neatly stacked up, so I sewed them together and saved them as strips. I began with the two main elements…

How to Sew a Printed Fabric Wall Hanging (A Great Project for Multiples!)

Over the past five years I have been involved with our church craft group and have sewn many fun and beautiful projects to sell at our church holiday bazaar. It has been a wonderful experience to get to know other crafty ladies from the church, and a great way to support non-profit groups in our community with profits from the bazaar. These little wall hangings that feature our church cross, the church façade, or even a favorite Bible verse are successful sellers. They can also be made as any kind of personalized gift for family, friends, and teachers…